Friday, February 26, 2010

Just take a look, it's in a book!

It is sad to see all the effort that the developers put into writing epic stories and questlines being ignored by players who are in such a rush to hit level cap.  I am one of those people who is usually obsessive about reading each of my quests, and yet even I sometimes succumb to the "click and follow the arrows" easy mode questing when I am in a hurry to level.

I sometimes quest with my husband, who is notoriously bad at reading anything in a quest log.  I can't count the number of times I've been leading him around doing quests, and then hear him say,

"This guy won't talk to me".

And then I ask "Well did you pick up the quest item on the table after we talked to the last NPC?"

"What quest item?"

"The quest item that the NPC said to pick up on the table right next to him.  We were standing RIGHT THERE."

(insert vague excuse for why he didn't read the quest log here)

(insert my annoyed sigh of exasperation here)

(insert wasted time traveling back to first NPC to redo the shit he forgot to do)

Last night, we were running around doing some quests on Kerra Isle.  One of those stupid "run back and forth between three different NPCs to deliver news" quests.  We deliver some news to the Chief of the Isle.  Then we run about 50 yards over to deliver some news to Queen Martah.  Then she sends us to deliver more news back to the Chief.  Hubby for some reason decides to read the quest log for probably the first time that evening and says "Where the heck is the Chief"? 

Actually I don't think he said "heck".  Probably something more colorful.

On the plus side, even though he doesn't read quests, he can kill the crap out of stuff really good so I guess I shouldn't complain.

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