Friday, January 22, 2010

Pregnancy and WoW

I got pregnant in November 2008, the night before WotLK came out.  (Must have been server downtime or something)  It was my first pregnancy, and I didn't really know what to expect.  I was hoping the morning sickness wouldn't be that bad.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered my morning sickness was linked not with the morning, but with playing a certain video game.  Yes, that's right.  I had WoW sickness.

All of a sudden I found myself unable to play WoW without becoming violently nauseous.  This lasted for the first trimester of my pregnancy.  It was the weirdest psychosomatic illness ever.  If I played WoW I got sick.  If I heard WoW music, I got sick.  If I watched my husband play I got sick.  And I know this sounds crazy, but if I even THOUGHT about WoW, I got sick.  Oddly enough, the effect was much more pronounced with WotLK content than old world or BC content.  I could think about running Deadmines without too much nausea but if I thought about farming Sons of Hodir faction it would turn my stomach.   (yea I know, it has that effect on everyone, right?) 

Being extremely addicted to WoW, with a new expansion having just been released, I cannot begin to tell you how much it sucked having WoW-sickness.  I managed to hit level cap on my DK and raid a bit of Naxx before the illness made me completely unable to play, but my poor mage, priest, pally, and hunter were stuck at level 70.

I could play any other video game without problems.  I started playing Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, an old single player RPG that some of you may remember.  My husband was still raiding several nights a week and I had to avoid watching him.  I also made him turn all the in game music off.  The music in Grizzly Hills and Dalaran were the worst.  If I heard even a few notes of the background music in those zones, I would be instantly ready to regurgitate my lunch. 

Then, gradually, as the first trimester passed, I found myself able to tolerate thinking about WoW and watching my husband play a little bit more.  I was back to playing around March or April.  There were still certain things in game that would cause me to get ill, but for the most part I was able to function. 

But, to this day, whenever I hear Dalaran music my stomach still twists.  I guess the brain does funny things when you have a baby spawning inside you.

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