Thursday, January 28, 2010

Am I selling this at a loss?

If you run a small time auction operation, then you probably store all sorts of information in your head about the prices of mats versus crafted items, break even prices, etc.  When business starts expanding, it gets harder to keep all that information straight in your head.  Not to mention keeping track of price fluctuations every time there is a patch or other change in the economy.

One of the things I use to prevent selling at a loss is a spreadsheet that calculates costs for items that I commonly craft.  I input the going rate of raw mats and it calculates the total cost, and the AH price needed to break even assuming a 5% auction house fee.

Note: I always input the going rate for mats, even though some of the items are things that you might choose to farm or spend badges on.  Some people think of those materials as being "free" but they really aren't!  You invested your time to get those items, and you could sell those items individually without the risk of tying them up in a crafted product (which often has higher deposit fees). 

Take a look.  This is a very bare bones version, but you can customize it to fit your preferred craft and use it to make sure you never post for a loss again.  The price data that is currently displayed is what things go for on my server, horde side, but YMMV.

AH spreadsheet

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